
27 Mar 2024

Systenics Website Relaunch

by: Saurabh Nandu in: General tags:website,

Our older website was starting to show age and unable to keep pace with styles. We had several internal discussions regarding a re-design but usually ended up shelving the plan since we were unable to identify and justify the reason for re-design if the outcome would just be a better design. At times we thought of just purchasing a template and updating the content and finish the process.

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24 Apr 2013

Getting Hired at Systenics as Fresher

by: Siddhi Nandu in: General tags: Interview,

This post is coming out of our need to constantly be on the watch to hire fresh talent. We are always in need of great talent, I think every organization is. Good employees are our biggest assets and we value them the most in this organization. We are in the business of showcasing excellence. And thus our employee's brilliance is our only wealth. Hiring an employee is a ritual of expanding our family and it has to be carefully achieved. This post is for the candidates who want to be the part of a company that values their talent the most. Following is the interview process that we follow. Step 1: Apply for Job, Step 2: Shortlisting and Getting called for Interview, Step 3: Technical Interview - Round One, Step 4: Psychometric Evaluation and Aptitude Test - Round Two, Step 5: Personal Interview - Round Three, Step 6: Interview with CEO - Round Four

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