Systenics Website Relaunch
Our older website was starting to show age and unable to keep pace with styles. We had several internal discussions regarding a re-design but usually ended up shelving the plan since we were unable to identify and justify the reason for re-design if the outcome would just be a better design. At times we thought of just purchasing a template and updating the content and finish the process.

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Understanding Visual Studio 2015 ASP.NET Web Project Changes
Microsoft has recently released Visual Studio 2015 Preview for evaluation. Along with Visual Studio Microsoft has announced that it will open source complete ASP.NET stack and make it hostable on Linux as well as Mac. Microsoft has changed their web project significantly to make it work across open source platforms. Visual Studio 2015 preview brings a lot of enhancements in the editor as well as one of the significant components that ship with it is ASP.NET v5 and total change in project structure of web applications. In an effort to embrace open source they have made a lot of changes to to the project templates to utilize a whole bag of popular open source technologies like NPM, Grunt and Bower. Enabling the use of popular open source package managers saves Microsoft from duplicating and maintaining the rapid speed of changes and new developments that are happening on the web. For example instead of building their open Less to CSS compiler and keeping it updated, now they enable developers to use popular open source versions of the same.
Continue readingSetting up CI for ASP.NET MVC to deploy on Azure Cloud WebApp using Visual Studio Team System
Importance of DevOps is growing by the day as development teams adopt agile practices and start on the path of shorter development cycles. Having a good Continuous Integration system in place is one of the key parts of DevOps setup. In this blog I will explore the process of getting a simple ASP.NET MVC application configured using Online Visual Studio Team System's Build and Release process to deploy to an Azure WebApp.
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